Assalamualaikum wbt..

aku tidak layak berada dekat denganNya.
cukup lima waktu sekalipun mencuba.
belum pernah hati ini rasa tenang bak perkabaran indahnya Syurga.
biarlah jarum saat yang menentukan waktu itu.
mahu mata pejam mengadap Kaa'bah.
sambil jernih mutiara jatuh membasahi pipi.
diam membisu sambil hati merintih kesal.
sungguh kejam balasan aku kepadaNya.
moga suatu hari aku diangkat setinggi darjat disisiNya.
moga segala pepasir dosa terhapus dengan keampunan dariNya.
bawalah aku jauh daripada perkara lalai Ya Allah.
peliharalah aku, jagalah sebaik-baiknya.
waiting for the call (Irfan Makki feat Maher Zain)
Miles away, oceans apart
never in my sight always in my heart
the love is always there it will never die
only growing stronger a tears rose down my eye
I am thiking all the time
when the day will come
standing there before you
accept this Hajj of mine
standing in ihram, making my tawaf
drinking blessings from your well
the challenges that I have suffered
and might were rekindles my imaan
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
I feel alive and I feel strong
I can feel Islam running through my Veins
to see my muslim brothers, their purpose all the same
greeting one another, exalting one True Name
I truly hope one day that everyone’s a Muslim.
that they remember you in everything they say
standing in ihram making my tawaf, making my tawaf
drinking blessings from your well
the challenges that I have suffered
and might were rekindles my imaan
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
never in my sight always in my heart
the love is always there it will never die
only growing stronger a tears rose down my eye
I am thiking all the time
when the day will come
standing there before you
accept this Hajj of mine
standing in ihram, making my tawaf
drinking blessings from your well
the challenges that I have suffered
and might were rekindles my imaan
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
I feel alive and I feel strong
I can feel Islam running through my Veins
to see my muslim brothers, their purpose all the same
greeting one another, exalting one True Name
I truly hope one day that everyone’s a Muslim.
that they remember you in everything they say
standing in ihram making my tawaf, making my tawaf
drinking blessings from your well
the challenges that I have suffered
and might were rekindles my imaan
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
O Allah! I am waiting for the call
praying for the day when I can be near the Kabah wall
| best lyrics ever | :)
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