
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


hYpe bLOg9ers,,

haiyaa,,da dkat sminggu aku b'cti kot,,
& mmg aku rse da jdi rutin duk on9 je all tym..
padahal..xde ppe y pnting sgt gak pun..

wteva ttbe la aku t'PK bout one thing ni..


huh!!aku agk t'ingin kot pakai dress cam dinner course aku ae2..hehehee..
tp aku kna wat timbangan ng neraca dlu kot..
Dat words alwez be in mind when i've a passion to get myself on shopping!!
ouchh..mama always reminded it!!
so,mama..don't worry,,i always bare in mind..ngeh5..
tp aku nk sgt2 kot..bowink da asyk pkai t'shirt.but. . .
i LOVE simple! & bcoz of that my life is also simple lor,,

ni la rupe ak tym dinner ae2.
sowiy..smtym i luv GEDIWX!!but 9edix ke ni??heheh,,
jgn slh phm lak..juz dpn cmera je aw i wanna b like dat,.[;

kwn2 aku da mle b'tnya bout oliday y ak tag dowg kt fesbook tu..
ak da nek GERUN kot.,mybe nk trun KL kot mgu ni..dowg tny sal nk g BALI lak..hehe,
tkjut kowg!!xla..g GENTING j kot..

to my fwenx : b patient yup sygx..ak kna settle kan hal satu persatu..ehehee,,

aiYo0 ,,suddenly lgu 'BILLIONARE' da tlekat kt tlinge knan ak,

"I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I'm a billionaire"

Lyrics | Travie McCoy Feat, Bruno Mars lyrics - Billionaire lyrics

i enjoy listening dis song beb!!

td pny hal la,,ak belek2 album.t'jmpe la pix papa aku g oliday Beijing & Sydney..
ouwhh!!no camera pliz!hehe..
scanner xde kot nk tnjuk kt kowg..
tp t'igt la glagat mama aku ni..
dr dlu lgi xhbis2 kot suh ak frther study Aussie..insyaAllah..
party town (sydney) Pictures, Images and Photos
spe la y xnk kn??
tp xde rzeki kot..
SPM bpe je ak skor..
tp Alhamdulillah a..
im now frther my study in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING..
dri kcik kot ak nak sgt2 course ni..
smpai sngup korbankan mse kua matrix msuk UiTM.
ouwhh.UiTM di atyku skan..ngeeenge,,=)

p/s : *kak long tgh try la ni mama,,xley frther sne pun..kte gi olidy sne smday..ahapx

papa pun 1 la..dye pgi olidays ae2 tym dak2 skola..
lau mama ikt 1x,,spe y nk jge adik2??
aku dduk hstel tym 2..hheehe,,agk jeles sbnrnye tym 2..
papa pn asyk ajk adk bongsu aku gi INDON kot..aiyoo papa!!
da la suh ktowg dcide,,either me or my sis will go there,,
aku pn pK xpela stakat Indon je,,hahaa,,pdahal agk nk prgi la..hek5,,

arghh!!Let it be..
actually,,ak mmg t'ign prgi Australia tu..tgk kangaroo lmpat2 dtg kt ak..
koala bear dtg pluk aku..(ouwh!smelly a u koala).haha..
but i most choose to be in Europe one day,,
duh Pictures, Images and Photos

*sme2 tadah tangan ye kowg..
(Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..ak doakan moga fatian athiea dapat jd Ir. smday..amin )..=),,cyg kowg!!

yelaa..aku pnah ckp kt mama.nk sgt2 prgi Europe..then,mama ttp ng pndrian dy kot..nk g Aussie la.ak dgn slumber pnah gak sakat mama aku..
tym papa gi dlu,jual mhl xmo ikut..dushx5!!mama2..hehee,

wteva it is..
by hUK or by CrUp [huh!udosh sguh ak tkar spellingny]..
aku doakan agr stiap cita2 aku t'capai
& dapat solve stiap probs ng bek,,

"Ya Allah,,ssguhnya aku hambaMu y lmah..
Aku mohon agr sntiasa dbri kkutan utk mghadapi dgaan & ujianMu..
jka t'catat lam LUt-Mahfuz Mu akn kgagalanku..
ubahla ia agr rzkiku m'dapat kejayaan dnia & akhirt jdi milikku,
Ya Allah..bntulah aku..berikanlah y t'baik kpadaku..amin.."..

urmm..pssstt..Kowg lak??xmo sher ng aku k kowg nk spent oldays korg ktne??
leh kte olidys sme2 nti..heeheekk6..

.:doakan ak~

4 shining LIPGLOSS:

atiza-irmeahs ransom said...

aku nk gi london, new york!!yeah, hollywood..hihi

fatian athiea said...

hollywood j??
ak da byk kli smpi holywd kot..

egtkn sgilew korea mu,,nk g sne j..hahha

!♥!QiSt!♥!! said...

nak g jepun..cari kwn lame terpisah..hu3

jom olidy australia nak? akk dh pln ngn kwn akk..tgl nk uat psport je nnt..tnggu masing2 cuti..


fatian athiea said...

r u siez dear????????????????

nak2..jgn ksi harapn j la..
cdey aw lu hrpan j..haha